ANNOUNCEMENT | Sunday 2 January 2022 at 10:30am | DIVINE LITURGY Blessing of Pomegranates
The first Divine Liturgy of 2022 will be celebrated on Sunday, 2 January 2021 at 10.30 am. At the end of Holy Mass a Prayer of Thanks Pomegranate-blessing service will be offered for the New Year. The service was established by His Holiness Karekin II, …
Commemoration of Archangels Gabriel, Michael and the Entire Heavenly Class
We celebrate the Archangels Gabriel, Michael and the entire Heavenly Class on Saturday 6 November. According to the Angelology of the Armenian Church the angels are unfleshly, spiritual, independent, always moving, asexual, immortal creatures and God’s servants. According to the Church Fathers, the angels, as …
“Vodnlava” Washing of the Feet
The Washing of the Feet (Vodnlava) service took place on Holy Thursday 1 April 2021. The evening service is in remembrance of the humble servant attitude Jesus demonstrated at the last supper and set as an example for us to follow in our Christian walk.Following …